Basic Policy on Handling of Personal Information

1. Purposes of Using Your Personal Information
We shall use the personal information you provide us (excluding specific personal information; the same hereinafter) to fulfill contracts/transactions, to provide information we judge beneficial and suitable for you (e.g. introductions to the products and services we provide) and to conduct marketing activities (e.g. market research) within the range of the purposes of our business that we have outlined below. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without your consent or when otherwise permitted by law.

1.Buying/selling, lending, managing and exchanging real estate, and intermediary and agency business thereof
2.Real estate appraisal business and real estate consulting
3.Financial planning services
4.Conducting of lectures, study classes and seminars
5.Operations relating to the subscription to various damage insurance agency business

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We may provide the personal information you provide us to the third parties we have outlined below to the extent it is necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes of our business. However, we shall stop providing information to these third parties if you request us to do so.

1.Other parties in contracts relating to matters you have entrusted us (including prospective parties)
2.Judicial scriveners, real estate appraisers and other specialists relating to the registration or valuation of real estate
3.Financial institutions involved in financing, etc.
4.Our partners who we think very useful to you

3. Purpose of Using Specific Personal Information
We shall only use the specific personal information you provide us for the purposes we have outlined below.

1.Work to prepare payment records related to real estate transactions
2.Work to prepare payment records related to remuneration, fees, contract money, monetary awards, etc.

4. Other Matters
In addition to the provisions in the preceding three paragraphs, we shall handle the personal information and specific personal information you provide us in an appropriate manner according to the provisions in our “Basic Personal Information Protection Policy” and our “Basic Policy on the Appropriate Handling of Specific Personal Information.”

Inc. Relo Partners property




